Zaixiang Zheng (郑在翔)  

Research Scientist | ByteDance Research

Email: zhengzaixiang [at] (preferred)
or zaixiang.zheng [at]

> Please don't hesitate to reach out to my ByteDance email if I don't get back to you quickly elsewhere (e.g., Github issues or Gmail).

At the Millennium Bridge, London (2020).

About Me

I am a senior research scientist at ByteDance Research, affiliated with AI Drug Discovery Team led by Prof. Quanquan Gu, where I am leading the research of multimodal generative biomolecular foundation models.

My general research interest lies in deep probabilistic modeling and large-scale generative learning (e.g., LLMs & diffusion models) along with their applications in wide spectrum of real-world problems, especially in human language and AI for Science (e.g., generative protein modeling & design).

Before joining ByteDance, I completed my five-year PhD program in computer science at NJUNLP group, Nanjing University (09/2016-06/2021), advised by Prof. Jiajun Chen and Prof. Shujian Huang. During my PhD, I spent wonderful time at ILCC, University of Edinburgh working with Prof. Alexandra Birch (09/2019-08/2020). I also interned at MLNLC group, ByteDance AI Lab as a research intern working with Prof. Hao Zhou and Prof. Lei Li (09/2020-06/2021). I was the recipient of Chinese Information Processing Society of China (CIPS) best doctoral dissertation award, and received ACL 2021 best paper and INLG 2022 best short-paper awards, and was the leading contributor in achieving the first place in WMT 2021 German-English translation shared task with non-autoregressive translation system.

[Hiring!] We are looking for highly-motivated interns from CS/ML background. Feel free to DM me if you are interested in!


Selected Publications/Preprints

[Google Scholar] | [project lead] [*equal contributions] [#interns/students I mentored]

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